
A Pilot Program Flies

Early this year, we wrote letters to the principals of all 88 high schools in Allegheny County asking them to nominate one sophomore and one junior (one boy, one girl) to the initial congress for the Allegheny Conservation Corps, an initiative for high school students to create community projects. The idea was threefold: physically improve …

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College Town Pittsburgh Part 6

Editor’s note: We thank the top leaders of this region’s universities for penning a response to the following question: Given continuing enrollment declines and our civic need to attract and keep young people, is it desirable to significantly build on fledgling programs to get students off campus and engage them in this region’s amenities, thus building …

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College Town Pittsburgh Part 5

Editor’s note: We thank the top leaders of this region’s universities for penning a response to the following question: Given continuing enrollment declines and our civic need to attract and keep young people, is it desirable to significantly build on fledgling programs to get students off campus and engage them in this region’s amenities, thus building …

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College Town Pittsburgh Part 4

Editor’s note: We thank the top leaders of this region’s universities for penning a response to the following question: Given continuing enrollment declines and our civic need to attract and keep young people, is it desirable to significantly build on fledgling programs to get students off campus and engage them in this region’s amenities, thus building …

College Town Pittsburgh Part 4 Read More »

Keeping More Students in Pittsburgh

The Pittsburgh region’s population challenges are not news, nor are the many efforts that so many government, civic and marketing organizations have put forth to solve these challenges. We’ve lost market position, political clout, tax base and more, as a direct result of not solving these issues. This is complex work, requiring collaborations, investments, consensus, …

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College Town Pittsburgh Part 3

Editor’s note: We thank the top leaders of this region’s universities for penning a response to the following question: Given continuing enrollment declines and our civic need to attract and keep young people, is it desirable to significantly build on fledgling programs to get students off campus and engage them in this region’s amenities, thus building …

College Town Pittsburgh Part 3 Read More »

College Town Pittsburgh Part 2

Editor’s note: We thank the top leaders of this region’s universities for penning a response to the following question: Given continuing enrollment declines and our civic need to attract and keep young people, is it desirable to significantly build on fledgling programs to get students off campus and engage them in this region’s amenities, thus building …

College Town Pittsburgh Part 2 Read More »

College Town Pittsburgh

Editor’s note: We thank the top leaders of this region’s universities for penning a response to the following question: Given continuing enrollment declines and our civic need to attract and keep young people, is it desirable to significantly build on fledgling programs to get students off campus and engage them in this region’s amenities, thus …

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Avoiding the Demographic Cliff, Pt. II

Editor’s Note: We’ve asked the Presidents of this region’s colleges and universities to respond in 250 words or less to the following question:Given that attracting young people is critically important to this area and your institution, how will you overcome declining enrollment trends and how might civic efforts help you do that?Part I JOHN C. …

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Avoiding the Demographic Cliff

Editor’s Note: We’ve asked the Presidents of this region’s colleges and universities to respond in 250 words or less to the following question:Given that attracting young people is critically important to this area and your institution, how will you overcome declining enrollment trends and how might civic efforts help you do that? MARY C. FINGER, …

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An Untapped Resource? Pt. II

We’ve asked the presidents of this region’s colleges and universities to address our critical workforce shortages by penning a response to the following question: “As you know, the western Pennsylvania region faces a more acute workforce shortage than almost any other major region in the country. Working as closely with young adults as you do, …

An Untapped Resource? Pt. II Read More »

An Untapped Resource?

We’ve asked the presidents of this region’s colleges and universities to address our critical workforce shortages by penning a response to the following question: “As you know, the western Pennsylvania region faces a more acute workforce shortage than almost any other major region in the country. Working as closely with young adults as you do, …

An Untapped Resource? Read More »

Back to the Future

Most students in 19th century America walked to their local one-room schoolhouse to learn reading, writing and arithmetic in a classroom with a handful of other kids ranging in age and ability. With the youngest children seated at the front of the class, they memorized and recited their lessons. Once a mainstay of public education …

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Edinboro, By Any Other Name

After graduating from South High in 1956, I spent the next five years in Pittsburgh drifting through mind-numbing jobs in gas stations, factories, and warehouses, until I finally ended up working as a stock boy in Gimbels Downtown department store.  The only distraction from my misery was playing softball, touch football, basketball, and volleyball at …

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Why Grove City College Doesn’t Accept Federal Funding

America is home to thousands of higher education institutions, but only a small handful reject funding from the federal government. Grove City College is the largest of this small group. We are occasionally asked by other colleges and universities how we do it. After all, turning off the federal money spigot may require enormous determination …

Why Grove City College Doesn’t Accept Federal Funding Read More »

The State of Higher Ed: Pitt, Penn State, La Roche, IUP

We asked the presidents of the region’s colleges and universities to answer this question: As we move closer to the end of the pandemic, what strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats have become more apparent to you for your institution than they were pre-pandemic? Lina Dostilio, University of Pittsburgh (Associate Vice Chancellor) The pandemic has heightened …

The State of Higher Ed: Pitt, Penn State, La Roche, IUP Read More »

The State of Higher Ed: Allegheny, Clarion, Waynesburg

We asked the presidents of the region’s colleges and universities to answer this question: As we move closer to the end of the pandemic, what strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats have become more apparent to you for your institution than they were pre-pandemic? Hilary L. Link, Allegheny College Allegheny College has been fully open all …

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The State of Higher Ed: Slippery Rock, Westminster, Saint Vincent

We asked the presidents of the region’s colleges and universities to answer this question: As we move closer to the end of the pandemic, what strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats have become more apparent to you for your institution than they were pre-pandemic? William J. Behre, Slippery Rock University The pandemic has confirmed something that we …

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The State of Higher Ed: Point Park, Duquesne, CCAC

We asked the presidents of the region’s colleges and universities to answer this question: As we move closer to the end of the pandemic, what strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats have become more apparent to you for your institution than they were pre-pandemic? Paul Hennigan, Point Park University When faced with a challenge that seems …

The State of Higher Ed: Point Park, Duquesne, CCAC Read More »

The State of Higher Ed: WVU, Seton Hill, Washington & Jefferson

We asked the presidents of the region’s colleges and universities to answer this question: As we move closer to the end of the pandemic, what strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats have become more apparent to you for your institution than they were pre-pandemic? E. Gordon Gee, West Virginia University I believe that when our world …

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The State of Higher Ed: Chatham, Robert Morris, Thiel

We asked the presidents of the region’s colleges and universities to answer this question: As we move closer to the end of the pandemic, what strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats have become more apparent to you for your institution than they were pre-pandemic? David Finegold, Chatham University The pandemic highlighted many of Chatham’s historic strengths: …

The State of Higher Ed: Chatham, Robert Morris, Thiel Read More »

The State of Higher Ed: CMU, Bethany, Grove City

We asked the presidents of the region’s colleges and universities to answer this question: As we move closer to the end of the pandemic, what strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats have become more apparent to you for your institution than they were pre-pandemic? Farnam Jahanian, Carnegie Mellon University The pandemic has accelerated many of the …

The State of Higher Ed: CMU, Bethany, Grove City Read More »

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