Q: what’s the most interesting thing about your job?
A: I get paid to do what I love!
Q: what’s the best advice anybody ever gave you?
A: Everything you want is on the other side of fear.
Q: how do you start the day?
A: It starts with gratitude for the gift of another day. As Maya Angelou reminded us, “Those who expected to rise did not; their beds became their cooling boards, and their blankets became their winding sheets.” After gratitude comes matcha tea with pen in hand for journaling.
Q: outside of work, what do you hope to accomplish in life?
A: Bringing people together through the power of music.
Q: what three attributes do you value most in a person?
A: Truthfulness.
Adhering to the golden rule: “Treat others as you would want to be treated.”
Compassion and dedication to serve and help others.
Q: if you could have dinner with one person, living or dead, who would it be?
A: Louis Armstrong — his “joie de vivre” was infectious and I wanna have some of that rub off on me!
Q: what do you do for fun?
A: I’m lucky because what I do for fun is the same thing I do for a living.
Q: what would you change about Pittsburgh?
A: The traffic.
Q: people would be surprised to know that…?
A: Except for my daughter’s soccer team, I have never watched or followed any kind of sports team in my life.
Q: What is your worst habit?
A: Oatmeal raisin cookies.
Q: if you won the lottery, you would…?
A: Donate 10% to the Pittsburgh Symphony so they could give more free tickets to young people.
Join with others to make sure all students K through 12 receive a quality education.
Invest and repeat the first two steps.
Q: what is your greatest regret?
A: The second helping of last night’s dessert.
Q: what’s the most important thing in life?
A: Service to others.
Q: what would your epitaph say?
A: “Loving Husband & Father”
Q: if you could come back as anything, what or who would it be?
A: A modern day Jack Johnson.
Q: what one word describes you best?
A: Optimistic.
Q: what would you choose for your last meal?
A: Appetizer: Caesar salad with shrimp.
Main Course: Mushroom risotto with steamed broccoli on the side with two glasses of 2007 Silver Oak wine.
Dessert: Peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream.
Q: with which historical figure do you most identify?
A: Frederick Douglass.
Q: who would play you in the movie of your life?
A: Laurence Fishburne.