Q: What’s the most interesting thing about your job?
A: The most interesting part of my job is working with the dancers and creating programs to enrich the dancers and the audiences’ experience of dance.
Q: What’s the best advice anybody ever gave you?
A: The best advice that was given to me was to spend time listening to my intuition and allowing it to be part of my decision making.
Q: How do you start the day?
A: I meditate at 5:30 a.m.
Q: If you could have dinner with one person, living or dead, who would it be?
A: Well, there are so many people I’d like to have dinner with, but let’s say that this year I’d like to have dinner with the author and professor Joseph Campbell.
Q: Outside of work, what do you hope to accomplish in life?
A: To be present and content, and never stop being curious or in love with life.
Q: What three attributes do you value most in a person?
A: Compassion, authenticity and self-motivation. But if asked for my top five, I would add honesty and wisdom.
Q: What do you do for fun?
A: Take walks or hike, be in nature, bike (but not for racing), cook for friends, read and watch good movies.
Q: What would you change about Pittsburgh?
A: During the pandemic, I went to New York City and saw that many restaurants built outdoor structures and decorated them with string lights. They added tables, chairs and heaters so that people could eat outside. I wish Pittsburgh had done more of that. Everyone was outside in NYC, and it was so wonderful to witness the resourcefulness. It made me smile.
Q: People would be surprised to know that…?
A: People would be surprised to know that I have a twin brother. And, no we are not identical—you would have to be the same sex to be identical. It is surprising how many times I get asked that question. Funny!
Q: What is your worst habit?
A: Staying up too late. I used to be better at going to bed at a decent hour, but for some reason, COVID restrictions have changed my sleep cycle.
Q: If you won the lottery, you would…?
A: I would make sure my family had enough money. Then I would give to help the environment, the arts, and the people who are in need. Then I would have a house in Pittsburgh, an apartment in NYC (which I actually already have), a house at the beach and a house in the mountains. And, once COVID is over, I have a bucket list of places I’d like to visit. I don’t want much. 🙂
Q: What is your greatest regret?
A: That I spent too much time when I was younger worrying about what people thought about me.
Q: What’s the most important thing in life?
A: Love, in all ways.
Q: What would your epitaph say?
A: Susan was never afraid to take on new challenges.
Q: If you could come back as anything, what or who would it be?
A: Oh my! Well, I have always wanted to make my own designer clothes. It would be so much fun to design flattering and unusual things to wear. But, I’d also like to be a scientist or an astronomer or an anthropologist. I am fascinated by the earth and the stars.