PQ Leads All Magazines for 17th Year

For the 17th straight year, Pittsburgh Quarterly has won the Press Club of Western Pennsylvania’s Golden Quill Awards. Photographer John Beale led the field with three Golden Quills, including the Ed Romano Memorial Award for best in show.
Pittsburgh Quarterly journalists won award in the following categories (click on the italicized link to see the award-winning entrees).
Spot/Breaking News: “A Final Chat With Franco,” Douglas Heuck
Cover Design: “Spring Cover,” Anita DuFalla
Feature Photo: “Retiring His Dream,” John Beale
Photo Essay: “Retiring Ritter Farm,” John Beale
Public Affairs/Politics/Government: “Wilkinsburg, Blight and the Vacancy Problem”, Douglas Heuck and Jeffery Fraser
Business/Technology/Consumer: “The Workforce Training Swamp,” Julia Fraser
Science/Environment: “Stewards of the Stream,” Deborah Weisberg
History/Culture: “An Overdue Obituary,” Tom Waseleski
Arts/Entertainment: “Capturing a Giant,” Maria Sciullo
Editorials: Douglas Heuck
Columns/Blogs: “Farm Life” Portfolio, Daryln Brewer Hoffstot
Ed Romano Memorial Award: Photography: “Retiring His Dream,” John Beale