Thaddeus Mosley, 92, talks about his work as a sculptor and living a life of contentment.
The secret to longevity? Good luck and good genes. I’m lucky that I’ve had good health for most of my life…
The biggest thrill, or the most excitement comes from when you conceive of an idea and you work it out. And the work is done and it comes out pretty much to the idea that you first had…
I married quite young, which was not the right thing to do, but you know, when you’re young, what is right? I found out when I was in my thirties that I needed a great deal of time alone, which wasn’t conducive to being a mate. When you are in the arts, you need a great deal of time alone and sometimes it makes it difficult on your life, and on other people’s lives…
You have to be happy. You have to be content. I feel fortunate that I’ve been able to do what I’ve done. I’ve done the best I could with what I had mentally and physically…
I don’t plan on years. I plan from day to day, hour to hour, and I try to enjoy what I do every day because you don’t know how long physically you’ll be able to do things. So I try to live a life where I’ll never have to say I wish I’d done this, I wish I’d done that.