Zanos, Hagan, Fazio, Shogan, Musick, Cianca, Honsberger

Yvonne Zanos, 60
A former Miss Pennsylvania runner-up, she was a tall, striking woman who became beloved in Pittsburgh as KDKA-TV’s reliable and savvy consumer reporter. Known for her warm and winning personality, she was also a tough advocate for consumers. Zanos believed in and was dedicated to television’s public service role, which included her annual leadership of the KD Turkey Fund, which helps the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank.
Phil Musick, 71
Phil Musick was one of the leading lights in a Golden Era of Pittsburgh newspaper writing, covering Pittsburgh sports during the “City of Champions” run in the 1970s and, in the 1980s, as a general columnist. Though he also worked as an editor and talk show host and wrote for USA Today, Time, Newsweek and Sports Illustrated, Musick was, above all, an outstanding writer for The Pittsburgh Press and Post-Gazette. A thin, bespectacled fellow, his literary style of newspapering and habits of drinking and smoking Pall Malls are virtually gone from the industry today.
Bernardine Hagan, 100
Aside from leaving several generations of descendants, including three great-great grandchildren, Bernardine Hagan leaves an architectural legacy that’s visited by tens of thousands of people each year. In 1953, she and her husband Isaac Hagan, founder of Hagan Ice Cream, commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to build Kentuck Knob, the internationally famous landmark residence in the mountains near Chalk Hill, Fayette County. The couple lived there for 30 years until they sold the home to its current owner, Lord Peter Palumbo.
Foge Fazio, 71
Fazio was head coach of University of Pittsburgh football for four years in the mid 1980s. Born as Serafino Fazio, he grew up in Coraopolis above the family’s grocery store. He got the nickname “Foge” as a child after mispronouncing “fudge.” He was a standout linebacker and center at Pitt and played one year with the Boston Patriots. He coached at Coraopolis High School and several colleges before succeeding Jackie Sherrill in 1982 as head coach at Pitt, where his record was 25–18–3.
Victor Cianca, 92
Vic Cianca was Pittsburgh’s most famous traffic cop, whose animated antics made him a national favorite on “Candid Camera” in the 1960s. With arms and sometimes a leg pointing, he moved traffic and pantomimed comic instructions to Pittsburgh motorists during a 38-year career with the Pittsburgh Police. Post-Gazette columnist Phil Musick called Cianca the “Nureyev of the intersection,” and drivers went out of their way to enjoy his shtick.
Dr. Jeffrey Shogan, 56
Dr. Shogan was a key player in developing UPMC’s cancer care system and making it the biggest in the nation. As director of business services and chief business officer for UPMC Cancer Centers, he also developed centers in Ireland and was working on similar centers in Turkey and the United Kingdom. Earlier in his career, at Allegheny General Hospital, Dr. Shogan helped develop a bone marrow transplant program.
Fred Honsberger, 58
Honsberger was a popular radio talk show host, who called himself the Hons Man. In a more-heat-than-light era in which talk shows are major drivers of public opinion, Honsberger occupied a central spot, broadcasting weekday afternoons on KDKA. His show evolved into a marketable brand of conservative populism that was a local version of Rush Limbaugh in his heyday.