Valerie Bacharach lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and is a member of Carlow University’s Madwomen in the Attic poetry workshops. She conducts weekly poetry workshops with the women of Power House, a halfway house for women in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Voices from the Attic, Pittsburgh City Paper Chapter and Verse, Uppagus, Pittsburgh Post-​Gazette, U. S. 1 Worksheets, Poetica, and Pittsburgh Poetry Review.

Homewood Cemetery

My husband and I walk its paths at dusk in the lessening light when heat and humidity ease. There is much life among these graves— deer browse, wild turkeys run and flirt, groundhogs and chipmunks hide in shadows. Red-winged blackbirds flash across the pond, land on reeds that surround it. Water lilies bloom, a thick …

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