Several hours from Pittsburgh, in the north-central counties of Pennsylvania, is the beautiful area referred to as the PA Wilds. It’s a region of deep forests, dramatic hilly terrain, and wild streams.
Two wonderful places to explore there are Susquehannock State Forest in Potter County and Elk State Forest in Cameron County. A drive through these state forests and hikes along their trails provide a way to see the First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek and the beautiful forests along its banks. In 2021, the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy protected two properties that were additions to these state forests, both along the First Fork.
One of the properties is in Potter County. It’s about 90 acres and includes the confluence of two small headwater streams that form the First Fork Sinnemahoning Creek. This property provides opportunities to hike, fish for wild trout or explore. It is now part of Susquehannock State Forest and is accessible from First Fork Road, a township road north of Costello.

The other property is about 66 acres in Cameron County. It is now part of Elk State Forest and consists of bottomland and steep forested slopes with oak and white pine. The bottomland is wetlands, with cattails and sedges. This property is also along the First Fork. Visitors can fish for bass and stocked trout, or sometimes see elk grazing along the stream. The property is accessible from SR 872 about 2½ miles north of the town of Sinnemahoning, but you will need to wade the creek to explore it. A drive to see the PA Wilds is worth the time and travel — it’s one of the most beautiful, rugged and scenic parts of Pennsylvania.