Over the last six years that I have served as Allegheny County executive, we achieved momentous results by working together, putting taxpayers first and keeping our focus, making southwestern Pennsylvania an attractive place for businesses to invest and families to live.
We know the story because we’ve been through it together. Six years ago, we were hemorrhaging jobs and facing a substantial deficit; today our unemployment rate is lower than the nation’s and the state’s, and I’ve presided over six on-time balanced budgets with no property tax increases. We’ve been ranked the “Most Livable” region in America, and after decades of population loss, we have even reversed that trend.
Under my leadership, we cleaned up 1,500 acres of abandoned brownfields and brought manufacturing and other industries to Allegheny County to create new jobs. We took advantage of the region’s universities, hospitals and research institutions to encourage new technologies and new companies. It’s no wonder that we’ve been heralded as one of the only bright spots in the national recession.
If I am elected Governor, we will continue to focus on boosting the economic potential of greater Pittsburgh. We need to ensure that our region builds on its standing as a destination for the innovation economy, including the crucial energy sector; our communities remain vibrant with a strong arts and cultural core; and that we address the transportation infrastructure and other challenges that will enable us to keep attracting new businesses and new jobs to southwestern Pennsylvania.
I was born and grew up in Pittsburgh, I have lived here my entire life, and my wife Shelly and I are raising our children here. As governor, I will continue to champion the achievements and needs of our region as we work to turn around our entire state. For southwestern Pennsylvania to continue to create jobs, we need to improve the state’s business climate. And we must reform Harrisburg so that the public can have confidence in their government.
Voters are looking for a governor who can get Pennsylvania back on track, and I am the only candidate with a record of experience turning around the economy and running a government.
Improving Pennsylvania’s business climate requires three key changes: making business taxes more competitive by lowering the corporate net income tax and implementing other business tax reforms; making the permitting process business-friendly so that companies are assured of timely and consistent decisions when they are trying to invest in our state; and ensuring that our schools and workforce development programs prepare the next generation of high-skill workers.I will also bring real reform to Harrisburg—and again, I am the only candidate who has proven experience on this issue. Under my leadership in Allegheny County, we eliminated six elected row offices, streamlined government and saved taxpayers millions of dollars while improving public services.
So how do I know that I can achieve my campaign proposals to live within our means, cut the size and cost of the legislature and enact term limits? Because I’ve accomplished real reform before—even when the critics say it’s impossible.
The recession has been rough on Pennsylvania families, and we need a state government that is on our side. As governor, I will make Pennsylvania more competitive and establish the environment for the private sector to create jobs. I’ll ensure that our workforce is the best in the world—starting by investing in early childhood education, improving our schools and making college more affordable. And I will pursue an energy strategy that protects our environment while creating good-paying Pennsylvania jobs. Most important, I pledge to craft a fiscally responsible balanced budget that meets the needs of Southwestern Pennsylvania and all Pennsylvanians, and charts a path towards economic growth, job creation and prosperity.