Local Wages Rise, but Growth is Slow

Wages in the seven-county Pittsburgh Metropolitan Statistical area continued to grow in the second quarter of 2019, but at a slower rate than the average among Pittsburgh Today benchmark regions, according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data.
The region’s average weekly wage rose from $1,134 to $1,159 from the second quarter of 2018 to the second quarter of this year. The 2.2 percent increase was below the 2.4 percent average among benchmark regions.
And at $1,250 per week, the average weekly wage in southwestern Pennsylvania trails wages in eight of the 14 other benchmark regions.
Austin, Texas experienced the highest wage growth with a 4.8 percent year-over-year increase, while Seattle, Washington ranked second-highest with a 4.7 percent increase. Minneapolis ranked just above the benchmark average, with 2.5 percent growth. Wages in Philadelphia were $1317, an increase of 2.6 percent.
At the lower end of the rankings, Milwaukee grew by 1 percent and Indianapolis grew by 1.2. Of all benchmark regions, Detroit was the only area to see its wages decrease over the past year, falling 1.3 percent from $1219 to $1203 per week.