Brother’s Brother Foundation and Blood Science Foundation Host Inaugural Golf Event

On Monday June 21, 2021, Brother’s Brother Foundation (BBF) and Blood Science Foundation (BSF) jointly hosted their Inaugural Golf Event at the Fox Chapel Golf Club. The outing, despite challenging weather conditions, raised money to support local healthcare and educational programs.
Brother’s Brother Foundation was established by Dr. Robert A. Hingson in 1958 to assist those around the world who lacked good healthcare, education and nutrition. Today, BBF continues Dr. Hingson’s work by helping to bridge the gap between aid and sustainability by supporting localized programs and providing essential resources in the areas of Healthcare, Infrastructure, Disaster Response and Education (H.I.D.E).
Blood Science Foundation is a public charity supporting Vitalant (formerly Central Blood Bank). As the fundraising arm of Vitalant, BSF secures charitable funds necessary to ensure Vitalant’s mission of providing a safe and ample blood supply, support research into blood-related diseases and transfusion practices and meet Vitalant’s equipment and operational needs.
BBF and BSF are grateful to the supporters, sponsors and participants for their commitment in assisting with local healthcare and educational needs and are looking forward to more events in the years to come.