
The Resignation

Meg had asked me to tell the girls they could get out of their beds, but I’d told her I couldn’t, “Because I don’t work here anymore.” Previously in this series: End of the Line“What the hell are you talking about?” she said. Still sitting under the pine tree, I said, “I quit. I’ll turn …

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End of the Line

I’d just broken up a fight between Earl and Eddie – I was seriously disappointed in Earl and had sent him to the front room to serve a time-out until bedtime. Earl had been a good Head Boy, he had a good job at a sawmill and he was on his way to being a …

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It Came to Blows

I’d returned to VA after visiting a crazy lady’s house and was heading up to my room to sleep off all the beer I’d drunk. Unfortunately, Meg and Terry had heard the Vespa and they came rushing through the kitchen calling my name. My heart sank. Previously in this series: Genny Cream Ale“Thank God you’re …

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Genny Cream Ale

The VA building had many quirks, probably because no one had ever thought through anything – stuff was just added on when it was needed, without any relation to what was already there. Previously in this series: Enter: The Ill-fated LovebirdsOne of the oddest quirks wasn’t structural, though – there was a large, overstuffed, living …

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The Ill-fated Lovebirds

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s chauffeur-driven Cadillac had stopped at VA for directions. and I’d offered him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, to the immense amusement of Rich Bolotin – and of Solzhenitsyn himself. Previously in this series: Enter: The Man of MysterySolzhenitsyn’s party was headed to Island Pond to look at a house that was for …

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Enter: The Man of Mystery

The weekend after a brick had been thrown through VA’s front window, I rode the Vespa back to campus and returned with my hunting rifle, a Winchester lever-action Model 94, chambered for a 30-30 round. I carried the Winchester in a faux-leather rifle case and most people assumed I was some sort of musician. Previously …

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A Bloody Face

I’d been on the couch at VA with Meg and Terry Petronius when the front window exploded with a sound like an atomic bomb. Previously in this series: Under AttackThe three of us screamed and fell to the floor in a tangled mess, covering our heads. Then tires squealed out on the road and I …

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Under Attack

I’ve mentioned that I’d been flirting like crazy with Meg Petronius – The Most Perfect Girl in the World – from my first day at VA, but with dismal results. At one point I’d gotten so desperate I even flirted once with her older sister, Terry, who job-shared with Meg. Previously in this series: The …

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The Flinty Vermonter

I had left the repair of the Trombley barn’s floor for last because it seemed as if it would be the simplest part of the job. I was way wrong. More of the joists were rotten than I had anticipated, and the work mostly had to be done while standing in the barn’s disgusting basement. …

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The Hole that Swallowed Eddie

The VA kids and I had returned to the Trombley barn to finish painting it, except that the first coat we’d put on two weeks earlier had completely disappeared, soaking into the old wood as if it’d never been applied. Previously in this series: The Charm OffensiveWhen I reported this catastrophe to Rich, he looked …

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The Charm Offensive

As I’ve mentioned, pretty much everyone in the Northeast Kingdom hated VA. But according to Rich Bolotin, who ran VA, this was no more than a minor misunderstanding – a little re-education would turn these folks around in no time. Previously in this series:MomSpecifically, Rich’s idea was that the kids at VA would perform a …

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More of my experiences at my summer job at VA, a halfway house for juvenile delinquents in Stilton, Vermont. I forgot to mention that everybody in the Northeast Kingdom hated VA. When I first started, Meg had said to me, “The dopes up here think the girls are going to seduce their sons and the …

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Losing It…

Although Meg Petronius had warned me that working at VA was no walk in the park, I found it pretty much to be a walk in the park. Maybe that was because I was a teenager myself. I was nineteen and not much older than the kids, and most of the things that interested them …

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Meeting Miss Perfect

I’d just come face-to-face with The Most Perfect Girl in the World and I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “Oh, sure, The Most Perfect Girl in the World just happened to be hanging out in Stilton, Vermont, population 124.” Previously in this series: Surprise, Surprise…Allow me to explain. You see, every guy has his …

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Surprise, Surprise…

The lady at the artists’ colony had told me, just before slamming the door in my face, that Vermont Academy was the “next house.” I looked up that way but didn’t see a next house. Previously in this series: VAI sighed, climbed back on the Vespa and headed north. Almost immediately the next house came …

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Where is This Place?

I was calling Vermont Academy to set up a summer job interview. In those days the protocol was that you let a phone ring 10 times – if your party hadn’t picked up by then he was either on the can or he didn’t want to talk to you. Previously in this series: VAI’d just …

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Wall of Worry

Editor’s note: Pittsburgh Quarterly asked regional financial experts to respond in 200 words or fewer to this question: What are your expectations for inflation, interest rates and U.S. equities (stocks) this year, and how are you advising clients during this continuing market volatility and uncertainty? (Responses were submitted by late April.) Previously in this series: Wall of …

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It was May, near the end of my freshman year in college, and I was wallowing in the bottom five percent of my class. A lot of people would probably be embarrassed about that, but not me. I’d gone to a lousy high school, had never studied, and didn’t even know how to study. Yet, somehow, almost …

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Wall of Worry

Editor’s note: Pittsburgh Quarterly asked regional financial experts to respond in 200 words or fewer to this question: What are your expectations for inflation, interest rates and U.S. equities (stocks) this year, and how are you advising clients during this continuing market volatility and uncertainty? (Responses were submitted by late April.) Previously in this series: Wall of …

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Wall of Worry

Editor’s note: Pittsburgh Quarterly asked regional financial experts to respond in 200 words or fewer to this question: What are your expectations for inflation, interest rates and U.S. equities (stocks) this year, and how are you advising clients during this continuing market volatility and uncertainty? (Responses were submitted by late April.) Previously in this series: Wall of …

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Recalling the End of a Fascinating Company

Last week I described one of the existential challenges that faced the Butler County Mushroom Farm – intense competition from China and, later, other Asian countries, who shipped massive volumes of low-quality mushrooms into the US. Previously in this series: Bye Bye FungiAs BCMF’s revenues and profits declined, another existential challenge arose – the company’s …

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Wall of Worry

Editor’s note: Pittsburgh Quarterly asked regional financial experts to respond in 200 words or fewer to this question: What are your expectations for inflation, interest rates and U.S. equities (stocks) this year, and how are you advising clients during this continuing market volatility and uncertainty? (Responses were submitted by late April.) LINDA DUESSEL, FEDERATED HERMESHas …

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