Robert Walicki is the curator of VERSIFY, a monthly reading series in Pittsburgh, Pa. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in a number of journals including, HEArt, I-70 Review, The Kentucky Review, Cabildo Quarterly, and on the radio show Prosody. He currently has two chapbooks published: A Room Full of Trees (Red Bird Chapbooks, 2014) and The Almost Sound of Snow Falling (Night Ballet Press, 2015). He lives in Verona, Pa. with his wife, Lynne, and two cats.

Zen or the Art of Trying Harder

When the yoga instructor tells me to relax, she uses the word Vinyasa, and that almost helps, as I unfold the jigsaw puzzle of my body, the old house of my bones, creaking. But it’s ok, because this is gentle yoga, meditation for the inflexible. And I know this act has something to do with …

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