Morning Yoga

Bougainvillea in Shenzhen, GuangDong China. Credit: Dinkun Chen Source: Wikicommons
July 9, 2024
Morning Yoga
The yoga ladies gather at daybreak,
drag plastic chairs over cracked earth
into straggling rows.
Bright greetings and murmured joys
flit lightly through the clustered groups,
conspire against the teacher’s drone:
“Bring silence to your Practice,
breathe deeply—inhale, sustain, and exhale—
listen to the sacred sound of Ommm. . .”
But the yoga ladies gather to gossip,
exchange the tremors of the day,
and for a while, forget their household chores.
Lotus flowers clog the green water of the canal.
Bougainvillea crowds the opposite shore.
The yoga ladies settle their saris and breathe.