Four Shorts

Four Shorts
organic green
(for Pat who died too young)
when you come back you will lead
a flock of mallards through novice blue
no more brown speckled plumage
courting distorted images
in stagnant pond water
your glossy bottle-green head will burn
the wind jealous-amber as always
your wild feathers so fowl
light will follow you
Construction Worker
(about an eighth grade girl)
She could tell
by force of fist
against the small of her back
how much he adored her.
And she was growing
at breakneck speed
to out run the wrecking ball.
(at the dance club Heaven)
blackbird perched on the tip
of a tall pine flit fast like
Christmas angels flee the scene
after the tree is tossed—dance
wildly right into Donna Summer’s
mouth, wide open, singing
last dance, last chance
(eating out)
five mallards flew a V over Sunday sermon
in praise of gong bao chicken— night before
my fortune cookie read Hallelujah!
my Chinese friend said the translation
was misleading the birds flying backwards
Note: The title Chinese Food is written in Chinese simplified.