District Graduation Rates

The PA Department of Education (PDE) recently released high school graduation rates by school and district using a new methodology to calculate the rates for 2010 and 2011 as is required by the U.S. Department of Education.

The new “4-year cohort graduation rate” is calculated by dividing the number of students graduating in 4 years by the number of students entering 9th grade 4 years earlier, plus the number of transfers into the graduating class, minus the number of transfers out of the graduating class. (Taken from the PDE site.)

For more information, visit the PA Department of Education’s website.

The district-level data for school districts within the Pittsburgh MSA are listed in the table below.

PDE Resources:




4 Year Cohort Graduation FAQ New October 2010

2010-2011 State Cohort Grad File pub.xlsx